Ultimately, her defiance to the system led her to carry the responsibility of loosening the grip an evil entity called the Morah on the city. She has to go on a journey unlike any other, endure the deserts and "walk through the fire" to gain the Singer's Voice, or whatever it was called. Then, and only then will her people be free, hence enabling them to "seek the homeland".
Needless to say, this is all boring. I read through the book with a half-heart, not really wanting to know what happens next. One of the few things that made me read on was Kestrel's relationship to her twin brother, Bowman - their love for each other, although somewhat well, nauseating, was real. Also, their father's attempt at a quiet mutiny by convincing his fellow "failures" to do their best at what they know, as opposed to attempting to be an all-rounder.
All right, Whatever. By the end of the book I felt slightly cheated, even if I grew to love the Hath family, Kestrel and Bowman, especially. That's the only saving grace for this book: the characters. The plot and everything else just felt half-baked.
Pick this one up at your own risk.
4 out of 10
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I don't understand why it came across as boring and all that. I thought it was really interesting. Most people dislike the book's questionable/ unanswered plot, but that's what makes it better, in my opinion. But yes, I do agree that the relationship between the Hath twins is very.. unnatural, but did make me wants to read on- only, nearly all the plot lines made me want to read on, too.
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