His Dark Materials IS NOT childish as the title may imply nor is it those horny erotic stuffs. Sure title sounds a bit weird but its one hell of story.
His Dark Materials is a trilogy. First book is called The Northern Lights or Golden Compass. Don't ask me why there are two titles. Anyway this book tells the beginning of a story with Lyra, the main character of this trilogy, and Pantlamoin, her daemon(NOT demon) getting into trouble by being where they were not supposed to be in the first place. Now before i start on this, let me explain a few things. Daemons are peoples souls except that you can see em on the outside. And touch em too. There is a taboo though where no one can touch another daemon except for their own. Plus, no one can go far without their daemon. Its like having your heart tugged. Oh also, daemons have animal forms although before people reach their adolescense, their shapes are not constant meaning shapeshifters. After the children become adults or teenagers, their daemons will stay in a shape that would best describe the person. Now, back to storytelling. I only told the intro so for those who want to read the book and not wish for spoilers, READ NO FURTHER. Just scroll below and see the rating.
Okay, i can't remember the story in detail so i may skip a few parts. I'll try my best. Now this book tells us about how Lyra got into trouble for sneaking into this meeting. Then her uncle found her out and told her to stay put. Then she saw the headmaster pouring poison into her uncle's wine. Obviously she told her uncle. And then after a few moments off talking nice and getting rid of poison and all that, others people pour into the room and onwards to a slide show. Lyra got her first glimpse of Dust (Will be explained later on in the rest of the trilogy) and of a tower hidden in the clouds, an alternate world. And so stuffs happened and whooosh! She was swept away into a gipsy boat and all that, met a witch and a talking bear or panzerbjson or something like that. So from there she did all sort of stuffs, basically getting into trouble. And loads of it. Its a kids thing right? Oh and did i mention that her uncle turned out to be her father? That's a shocker. Anyway, her father managed to rip open a dimension gate using the energy from a severed bond between body and soul. He used Lyra's friend so... Anyway, she followed him into the other dimension and so ends book one. Now i skipped a lot of parts so you have to read it by yourself. I give book one a 9 out of 10.
I shall start reviewing book two later as it is late in the night and my mom glaring at me. I tell if looks could blast a hole in a wall, i would be full of holes as well as the wall in front me and my neighbours house. So goodnight everyone!
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