Now ain't that touching? I got blammed twice for reviewing truthfully! To each their own opinions eh? lol
Anyway... Today, ladies and gentleman, i shall be reviewing to what would be thebest book in the whole trilogy of His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman. The Amber Spyglass.
Ladies and gentleman, if you are a book enthusiast, bored with all your collection of books, then this is the right books for you. For those who aren't book enthusiast but planning to read books, get this trilogy. The Amber Spyglass makes buying the whole set and reading it worth it. In book three, the children, Will and Lyra, fins out their destiny (or was that in book 2? Can't remember...) and also, finds out that in all worlds, there is NO god. No Heaven and Hell, no sin, nothing. Only Angels with one of them claiming to be god. Heaven is just a floating piece of rock covered with clouds. In the war to come, it becomes a war machine. Anyway, the term Dust is a bit confusing. It can't be seen with the naked eye. Plus, from what i read, i think in that story, Dust is god. At least i think so since everything is made of Dust. I can't really exlain to you what the Dust looks like so...
Anyway, in this book, Will and Lyra ventures into the World Of The Dead, more like a prison camp for all dead people, the holy ones, the sinners and the innocent with harpies guarding the place. Will and Lyra will make an agreement with the harpies and in exchange let the souls free to join once again with Dust and their dead daemons. Oh did i mention that once you die in Lyra's world, your daemon disappears? SORRY for not mentioning it before.
Back to the plot. Will and Lyra leads the souls of the dead out from the souls prison camp, guided by a harpy. Will cuts open a portal to the real world to find it ravaged by war between angels and humans lead by Lyra's father. And from there it gets somewhat blurry in my memory so i'm afraid i can't tell you what happens next. All i can say is when the war is over, the story is not yet over.
This book has everything. A very sad ending, one that will make you cry if you really dig this book. I give this book a 10 out of 10. A must read for book enthusiast.
1 comment:
It deserves a 20 out of 10.
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