Helloooooo everybody! Its a ME! Lol, Nighteyes invited me to do this. I must say it is very interesting. My thanks and regards to him.
Ahem... now onwards to reviewing. Now, this book by David and Leigh Eddings is quite interesting despite the fact that all books by David Eddings seems to be based on Elder gods and Younger gods, a rock which is stronger than a god, an evil elder god wanting it but got beaten to it by the CHOSEN one which happened to be a clueless young man named Belgarion or Garion for short (Note: I DID NOT STEAL HIS NAME) in The Belgariad trilogy and a horny sarcastic CHURCH knight Sparhawk famous for his dry sense of humour, sharp wit, bleak mood and broken nose in another series. But in this case, the Younger Gods are heroes this time instead of people who ultimately become stronger than the gods. Of course, they still have rocky elements to help them save the day against an evil Bug Thing like opals and what not from Mother Sea who has dry humour and Father Earth. It was weird hearing the Gods calling them Mother and Father. Anyway, the Bug Thing. Its not called that of course. Its called THE THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE NAMED. How many evil nemesis of every living thing has that title? A lot..
Anyway, this books storyline was a little rushed but it turned out to be a good read since it involved humour, action and romance if i remember correctly. I'd give it a six... out of ten.
1 comment:
Whoa...now this is another cool, cool blog to visit everyday...;) Looking forward to reading more reviews from you guys (as I would be influenced to read stuff I'd never imagined b4!)
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